No two ways about it, we are in a drought. But by working together and doing the right things, we can minimize the use of water reserves stored in our local aquifers and reservoirs, saving that water for the future, should we need it.

The fact that you’re here shows you’re interested in helping us to meet our community-wide goal of reducing water use by at least 10%. As you move through the site, you’ll find the 10 easiest and most convenient ways to achieve a 10% decrease in usage. So click on down and start saving!

Step 1

Get your outside watering dialed in.
Test all your sprinklers and drip systems to be sure they’re leak-free, properly targeted, and timed correctly. And please, only water on your assigned days. Even addresses water on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Odd addresses on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. No watering for anyone on Mondays, as it is a day to replenish and maintain our water system.

Step 2

Timing is everything.
When it comes to outdoor watering, when you do it makes all the difference. Watering during the cool parts of the day minimizes evaporation and increases absorption. Please don’t water between 11am and 7pm. And watering when it’s windy or raining, well, that’s never a good idea.

Step 3

Fix that leaky toilet.
Check all your toilets to be sure they’re not leaking. If they are, get them repaired, pronto. A single leaking toilet could be sending hundreds of gallons of water right down your drain every day.

Step 4

Get to know your water bill.
Is your water bill considerably higher than in the past? If yes, there’s a good chance you have a leak. In your bill you’ll find an easy-to-read chart that allows you to track your usage over time and identify significant increases.


Step 5

Full loads only when washing clothes and dishes.
Dishwashing and laundry are two of the biggest water-consuming activities in any household. But by choosing to wash only full loads, you can make remarkable reductions: 15 – 45 gallons per load of laundry and 5 - 15 gallons per load of dishes.

Step 6

Use shutoff spray nozzles on all your hoses.
This simple choice guarantees that your water is only flowing when and where you need it. Additionally, it’s a great idea to check for leaks in your hose connections. A rubber washer can save many gallons.

Step 7

Is everything cool with your evaporative cooler?
A constantly leaking unit can be a huge drain on your water use. Prevent this needless waste by checking for drips and making repairs when needed. Also, be sure your float valves are properly adjusted.

Step 8

Simply shower smarter.
It starts with installing a water-efficient showerhead. This little step alone can save 1.2 gallons per minute. Next, take shorter showers. By reducing your shower time from 10 minutes to five, you can save as much as 12.5 gallons.

Step 9

Don’t wash that car.
Sure, a clean car is a beautiful thing. But a simple, five-minute wash in your driveway can use as much as 100 gallons of water. Which makes the idea of a dirty car look a lot more attractive.

Step 10

Whatever you’re doing ten times, only do it nine.
This one’s as simple as it gets. For every 10 times you do any water-using activity, just cut it back by one every week or month. Do nine loads of laundry rather than 10. Take nine showers. Run the dishwasher nine times. You get the idea. It’s an easy-to-remember method for saving water throughout your home.

More Information on Water in Our Community